
Technical article

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Standards and manufacturing make the world re-recognize Minxuan No. 7: Minxuan accessories products

發(fā)布日期: 2017-08-23    瀏覽次數(shù): 6458    新聞編輯: 

The company's main research and development, production and sales of various fluid sealing devices such as rotary joints, metal hoses, syphons and related supporting products. The main products have been introduced in the previous issues. This issue will briefly introduce related accessories.

1. O-ring(JB/T 7757.2-2006)

2. The spring(GB/T 1239.2)

3. The gasket  
4.Transition joint
5. Quick connector  

6.Seal Ring(JB/T 8872)
Your satisfaction is our pursuit! For product details, please call 0595-22201044 for consultation.

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